

Engineering technology solutions to help businesses and societies flourish

Globally our ecological system is clashing with human and industrial growth. Crucial steps need to be taken, to save our shared habitat and biosphere. We need to work towards an ecosystem that can fufill the social, economic and environmental needs of present and future generations. Mindtree pledges to adopt an expanded sustainability framework to meet this vision.

Sustainability permeates our value structure. Sustainability is an integral part of the Mindtree culture and strategy and has been since its inception. Our dream and vision for a sustainable world extends beyond Mindtree Minds and their families to our customers, partners, suppliers and vendors. So sustainability becomes real – and a critical part of every decision we make

The Mindtree approach to sustainability

Our approach to corporate sustainability is drawn from our mission: “We engineer meaningful technology solutions to help businesses and societies flourish”.

For us, sustainability is a business imperative, which aims to create and maintain the necessary conditions under which people, the planet and our profits coexist in productive coherence. This framework enables us to adopt an expanded spectrum of values that will lead the way to measure traditional economic parameters along with environmental and social success.

Mindtree’s realistic approach to sustainability is built on the principles, processes, practices and services of the triple bottom line: people, the planet and profit.

The framework is built on three pillars:

Ecological sustainability:

Ecological sustainability is one of the key pillars of Mindtree’s sustainability framework. With the increasing centrality of issues such as climate change, energy security and water stress, we recognize environmental risks and the importance of managing our impact on the environment. We aim to minimize the environmental impact of our business operations through resource conservation practices, GHG footprint reduction, efficient energy management, water efficiency, sustainable waste management and by engaging Mindtree Minds as evangelists.

Governance and advocacy:

Mindtree’s values are very fabric of the enterprise and have been integrated into every system and process. We conduct ourselves with the highest standards of integrity and are transparent in our professional transactions and dealings that may impact the place of work.

We comply with all applicable: local, national and international laws, regulations, codes of practice and directives and conduct our business operations with honesty and integrity. Mindtree pledges itself to be transparent about our progress on sustainability and our stated goals with all stakeholders through various reporting forums.

Workplace sustainability:

Mindtree believes in a non-discriminatory environment that promotes equal employment practices, health, wellbeing, diversity and inclusion. With an occupational health and safety management in place we encourage and maintain a safe work environment by providing fair working conditions to all Mindtree Minds. Mindtree recognizes social responsibility as an integral part of its corporate citizenship. We commit to support and nurture societies through innovative solutions to satisfy evolving needs of the society.

The corporate sustainability policy and targets for the coming years have been articulated to systematically address the sustainability challenges.

Diversity & Inclusion

Being a global organization on the cutting-edge of technology, talent and workforce diversity is integral for business success. As an equal opportunity employer, we work with a non-discriminatory practice that respects and values the workforce and with those we do business with. Embracing a diverse and inclusive workforce gives us an innovative, creative, competitive and more productive edge. Our focus on Diversity and Inclusion has gathered significant momentum in 2012-13, owing to the development of our charter. Mindtree’s diversity and inclusivity charter focuses on four pillars which we call “EDGES” – Ethnicity, Disability, GEnder and Sexual Orientation.

diversity and inclusion

Other factors that support these three pillars are:

  • Stakeholder engagement: Our interaction with our key stakeholders—customers, suppliers, sub-contractors, NGOs, government, academia and communities.
  • Social innovation: to integrate social responsibility into our corporate citizenship.
  • Leadership commitment: To make a conscious effort to foster a sustainable corporate culture through required investments, necessary resource allocation and stakeholder engagements.
  • Continual improvement: Using every step as a learning experience and a practical way to address key issues.

Our sustainability framework thus promotes transparency, accountability, sound environmental practices and social responsibility.

Ecological sustainability

Aligning Business Objectives with Green Initiatives

Mindtree started its green journey in 2009 determined to reduce its carbon footprint through initiatives to conserve energy and water.The green initiatives are led by the Mindtree Green Council (MGC), an overarching governance body that supports alignment of business objectives with green initiatives. These are largely run by the green communities. Our green community has been a passionate advocate for change and eco-friendliness within and outside Mindtree, spearheading initiatives in the fields of energy, water and waste.

The Environmental Management system (EMS) framework is the backbone of our environmental charter. The EMS framework helps us identify key aspects and impacts on the environment, based on which goals are set. It also ensures regulatory compliance and enables effective management review. All our India offices are ISO 14001: 2004 certified

Mindtree’s approach to environmental stewardship

The four aspects of ecological sustainability are:

  • Energy efficiency
  • Water management
  • GHG emissions
  • Waste management
The four aspects of ecological sustainability

Energy efficiency

Energy availability is a core area of our resource conservation efforts. Mindtree recognizes being a business that is dependent on people and IT infrastructure - energy impacts business directly and indirectly. Energy availability itself is a concern, considering that the major operational footprint is in Indian cities. Frequent power shortages increase dependency on diesel generators to power offices and IT systems, in turn increasing not just operational costs, but more importantly, carbon emissions.

Over the years we have implemented a variety of energy conservation and energy efficiency measures. Our employee energy intensity stands at 201 kWh per month.

We have adopted the LEED green building design for our infrastructure. Three of our offices in India are certified LEED gold standards.

Water management

Water scarcity is a growing reality in the world around us. At Mindtree, water conservation has gained increased importance over the last few years. Water is withdrawn from three sources - ground water, municipal water supplies and private purchase. We have put in place rainwater harvesting systems in late 2012-13 – this will allow us to capitalize on water harvesting from the upcoming monsoons.

100% of the outlet water from our facilities is treated using Sewage Treatment plants (STP's) available at our own and Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETP’s) at our builder’s premises. We recycle approximately 8% of water using owned STP’s. This water is reused internally for flushing and landscaping purposes. Water consumption per employee is 1.05 m3 per month.

Green House Gas (GHG) emissions

Since 2009, Mindtree has been measuring its carbon emissions and has actively taken steps in the reduction of its GHG emissions. Our GHG mitigation strategy works on a three pronged approach – resource conservation practices, energy efficiency and sustainable waste management. The bulk of GHG emissions at Mindtree are due to energy consumption – both direct and indirect. Our emission intensity stands at 3.38 tonnes / employee.

Waste management

At Mindtree, we are diligent about tracking and managing our waste levels. We continually assess the operational risks to the environment and take care to recycle our waste wherever possible. 65% of the waste generated at our facilities is recycled through authorized vendor tie-ups.

Green infrastructure

We have adopted the LEED green building design for our infrastructure, 3 of our India offices are certified to LEED gold standards. Our upcoming LEED platinum certified Bhubaneshwar campus and Gold certified Bangalore campuses have benefited from our best practices over the years

Green council

Our Green community is driven by our Green Council and has been a passionate advocate for change and eco-friendliness within Mindtree, spearheading several worthy initiatives in the fields of energy, water, waste management and pollution mitigation. Our focus is to empower the Green Community to spread their passion and awareness to all our Mindtree minds.

Governance and advocacy

Mindtree believes good corporate governance is a key driver of sustainable corporate growth and long-term shareholder value creation. Good corporate governance is about enhancing value for all our stakeholders. We are committed to adopting global best practices in corporate governance and disclosure.

Ethical business conduct, integrity and commitment to values, which enhance and retain stakeholders' trust are the hallmarks of good corporate governance.

Mindtree and its employees (Mindtree Minds) are guided by its values: collaborative spirit, unrelenting dedication and expert thinking.

These values are core to us and are integral to every aspect of our work. We believe that integrity is a core attribute of being socially responsible. A Mindtree Mind is expected to adhere to the highest standard of integrity. We have a clearly articulated Integrity Policy which is applicable to all Mindtree Minds globally. All Mindtree Minds, irrespective of level, role and location are bound by it.

In the conduct of Mindtree's business and our dealings, we abide by the principles of honesty, openness and doing what is right and fair. These are the principles that guides our behavior at all times.

Following are the salient features of our corporate governance philosophy:

  • Act in the spirit of law and not just the letter of law
  • Do what is right and not what is convenient
  • Provide complete transparency on our operations
  • Follow openness in our communication to all our stakeholders

The 3-tier corporate governance structure at Mindtree includes:

  • Shareholders appoint and authorize the Board of Directors ('BOD') to conduct business with objectivity and ensure accountability
  • BOD lead the strategic management of the company on behalf of the shareholders, exercise supervision through direction and control and appoint various committees to handle specific areas of responsibilities
  • The committees of the BOD and executive management appointed by the BOD take up specific responsibilities and day-to-day tasks to ensure that the activities of the company run according to the strategies set by the BOD
Governance and advocacy

Transparency, ethics and code of conduct

Mindtree has a comprehensive code of conduct policy that sets broad direction for all business dealings. This encompasses specific guidelines on Information security, Third party relationships, Equal opportunity, human rights, breach in discipline and workplace etiquette. Additionally, the code of conduct bears linkage to three other policies, as described below.

Integrity policy

Our shareholders appoint and authorize the Board of Directors to conduct business with objectivity and ensure accountability. Each Mindtree Mind is issued a booklet on the Integrity Policy. All Mindtree Minds, irrespective of level, role and location are bound by it.

Anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy

We are committed to the prevention, deterrence and detection of fraud, bribery and all other corrupt and unethical business practices. It is our policy to conduct our business activities with honesty, integrity, and the highest possible ethical standards while vigorously enforcing our business practice of not engaging in bribery or corruption across our operations.

Workplace sustainability

We believe in the power of people. This belief is incorporated in meeting the strategic drivers that shape our people practices and processes. Mindtree’s values create a global foundation for context drivers such as engagement, learning and empowerment which are led by our people function throughout an employee’s lifecycle - from candidate selection to exit interview.

Mindtree’s practices create a culture of openness and fairness. Our practices in performance management, compensation models, diversity and inclusion, Learning and development and health and wellbeing embrace globally recognized standards and are prime in building a fair and free workplace.

Workplace sustainability

Diversity and inclusion

Being a global organization on the cutting-edge of technology, talent and workforce diversity is integral for business success. As an equal opportunity employer, we work with a non-discriminatory practice that respects and values the workforce and with those we do business with. Embracing a diverse and inclusive workforce gives us an innovative, creative, competitive and more productive edge. Our focus on Diversity and Inclusion has gathered significant momentum in 2012-13, owing to the development of our charter. Mindtree’s diversity and inclusivity charter focuses on four pillars which we call “EDGES” – Ethnicity, Disability, GEnder and Sexual Orientation.

Our inclusion framework is driven by our reasonable accommodation policy. In addition to this, we support accessible infrastructure at all our facilities and provide accessible technology and information systems. We look to identify job roles suitable to persons with varied forms of disabilities to facilitate the individual’s career stability and growth. Our growth and expansion overseas provides us with a platform to generate local employment and capitalize on a talent pool of diverse nationals.

Work-life balance

Mindtree understands that work-life balance can be a challenge, specially for women. So they have the option to avail a special needs leave. There has been a move, over the past few years, to extend this benefit to everyone. This could encompass specific needs, such as a desire to study further, take time off for social work, family care, personal value addition through teaching assignments and so forth. This would provide them with the flexibility to attend to their personal needs and pursue a career at the same time. Mindtree plans to extend the special needs leave to all Mindtree Minds.

Baby’s Day Out

New mothers often face the difficult situation of leaving their newborns at home or in a crèche while they go to work. To help young mothers, Mindtree offers them an innovative facility called ‘Baby’s Day Out’. This is a special room that enables mothers to work even as they keep a watchful eye on their kids. New mothers can also avail the option of reduced work hours, half day / half work week.

Little Critters

Mindtree’s crèche, Little Critters, is a day care facility within the campus, run by a professional team and a caring staff. This helps employees with children to balance their responsibilities between work and dependent child / children.

Health and well-being

At Mindtree, the health and well-being of our employees is of prime importance. Mindtree strives to achieve a positive balance in all aspects governing the life of an employee and promote an approach that encompasses physical, mental and emotional well-being. The flagship corporate wellness program at Mindtree is Healthy Mind Healthy Body (HMHB). It focuses on offering education and opportunities to improve the physical and mental health of Mindtree Minds.

We also have B+ve, our Employee Assistance Program (EAP), where Mindtree Minds have a platform to get neutral and objective professional assistance from qualified counselors, with complete anonymity and confidentiality. Additionally, we have a health portal, a one-stop shop for all health related queries, with a host of health related articles, online chat sessions with dieticians and exercise finders.

Our India locations are all OHSAS 18001:2007 certified. With this certification as our backbone, we drive a comprehensive health and safety policy that entails workplace hazard identification, risk assessment programs and security measures. Our practices promote safety, health, emergency response and overall wellness. They are frequently revised based on regulations, industry trends and employee feedback. HMHB is built on four pillars: Health benefits, physical well-being, psychological well-being and education.

Social responsibility

Mindtree recognizes social responsibility as an integral part of its corporate citizenship. Driven by our value system, we commit to support and nurture societies through innovative solutions to satisfy evolving needs of the society. We strive to foster a socially responsible corporate culture by introducing a balanced approach to business by addressing social and environmental challenges through required investments, necessary resource allocation and stakeholder engagements.

Mindtree Foundation plays a catalyst role in bringing this change, step by step. Our social transformation initiatives are led by Mindtree Foundation and are now nearly six years old. Over the years, our approach has been to engage in social issues with sensitivity, rigor and responsibility. Mindtree Foundation lays the platform for Mindtree’s value system.

The Foundation’s charter is to:

  • Promote education to underprivileged children with a special emphasis on people with disability
  • Provide relief to poverty by way of assistance to food, shelter and clothing
  • Provide relief to distress caused by calamities of nature

Mindtree Foundation strives to achieve these charters through its outreach programs, voluntary programs, enterprise development programs and technical consultancy programs.

Mindtree Foundation is proud to be associated with:

  • Missionaries of Charity (M.O.C.)
  • Gandhiji Shanti Nivas Leprosy Rehabilitation Centre
  • Sparsh Foundation
  • Spastics Society of Karnataka (SSK)
  • Sikshana Educational Development program for Rural Government School Children
  • AMBA Centers for Economic Empowerment of the Intellectually Challenged (AMBA-CEEIC)
  • Goonj

Click here to view details about Mindtree Foundation

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